The COVID-19 pandemic brought devastation in its wake, to life as we know it, and to the economy. With businesses struggling to break even, “urban women saw the deepest losses” according to a 2020 study by Business Standard. As the prospect of salaried jobs became more bleak, home bakers, home cooks and performers attempted to generate income through their skill-sets via maiden entrepreneurial initiatives. It is the emergence of this manifestation of human spirit in times of strife that BusiNest seeks to celebrate and amplify: through conversation, and of course through targeted learning via access to carefully curated original resources!
Especially while addressing middle-class women in India, a problem that needs to be addressed is the time distribution between family duties and caregiving, and the work that goes into a business initiative. As children shift to the realm of virtual learning, and all family members are cloistered in their homes, a harmony between the personal and the professional is even harder to master. This project is therefore, also tailored to aiding women in seamlessly carrying out this balance, and emerging stronger through it all: it does not have to be a business or a nurtured nest, we bring to you the audacious BusiNest-- of women, for women and by women!